Fruiting Plants


What if all the Black NFL players banded together for a particular social cause?  And, let’s call that cause “Justice.”  What if Colin Kaepernick, was seen as Rosa Parks was viewed some 63 years ago?  What if we all got on board when it was time to ride and all got off as soon we realized we were just being taken for a ride? 

1955 Montgomery bus boycott

1955 Montgomery bus boycott

In 1955, nearly 75% of the public bus passengers in Montgomery were black. In 2018, the NFL is nearly 70% black. The time for games were over then as they are today.  The power of one is the power of many standing, walking, or kneeling as one.  

The gains of today are because of the sacrifices of yesterday.  The gains for tomorrow must be purchased with the sacrifices of today.  Ali, Kap, Rosa... me? You?

Here’s an idea for my brothers whose power is actually greater off the field than on -whose power is acting as one.

What if you simply stop playing?

I assure you we would stop watching and start listening.

NFL Boycott + Social media = #Stopplayin’

Can you afford to do so?  Can we afford to not to?

Know your worth.  Know your power. 

More than a legal motion.  More than a movement.  

More than a banner.  More than a flag.  

More than kneeling or taking a stand.  

It’s all of these things and more...



The "Empty Bucket Challenge"



We emptied the buckets, but did we refill them?

Did we lose momentum? 

It was easy to keep the movement going at the time.   Now, it seems to hard to get it started. Inertia...

Ice brought so many together.  No surprise.  Water has and will always connect us all, no matter what state it's in.  

Did you know?

Every minute a child dies from water-related disease (World Health Organization 2012).  

Over 500,000 children die globally each year from water-related illnesses.

What can we do?

Fill those buckets again -this time with clean drinking water!

Here's our campaign to get started:

Our goal is to raise $1000 for this worthy cause. We've made a donation of course, so now we're 1/10th of the way towards reaching our goal. 

Charity:water is a 4 star charity as ranked by Charity Navigator.  100% of the donations go directly to water projects. 

Remember this concept?

Input = output

What you put in you get out. 

Time to fill the buckets!  

Sow What?

Smart Watch


1. Any watch that tells time and doesn't cost an arm or a leg. See also smart car.  

2. An overpriced piece of technology that does exactly what your smart phone does.  

Example in a sentence.  

Is that a smart watch?  Yes, it only cost me $22.  

Just 22 bucks and it tells time! 

Just 22 bucks and it tells time! 

Time, Talent, and Treasure -Another Sow What Concept!

3 in 1 (Time, Talent, and Treasure)

Now for a little math.  

If a=b and b=c, then a=c. 

Now let's define each variable.  


b= Money

So, it would come to no surprise that Time equals Money or a=b.  But, how would we define c?  I submit to you that c=Talent. Thus, 

Money equals talent. Or, b=c. So if we go back to math class using the transitive property of equality and a=c then the logical conclusion one must draw is



Time equals Money (or Treasure) equals Talent

Let's see if we can apply this concept.

Let's use time, talent and treasure as they apply to repairs.  If one has the talent or skill to repair let's say a car, they potentially could save time and money.  The greater their talent, the greater the savings.  Now if one lacks such mechanical talents, they would have to shell out money for such repairs and often on a time schedule that is well beyond their control.  However if they have access to large financial resources, they could afford to pay for expedited service ultimately saving time.  And lastly, if one were to have the luxury of time, they could eventually learn the skill (talent) or earn the money (treasure) to make such repairs.  We have all lived this formula out to some degree or another.  Can't make it -buy it!  Can't afford it -learn how to make it!  Can't wait -but it off sale and pay for rush delivery! 

A practical summation:

  • Time and Talent are needed to make Treasure (money) in order to complete a task
  • Little Talent requires more Time and/or Treasure...
  • Little Treasure requires more Time and/or Talent...
  • Little Time requires more Money and/or Talent...

This concept does not just apply to material goods and wealth but matters of the soul also.

Jesus illustrated concept in the Parable of the Talents -Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28

  • 3 men given Talents (money in this case) and Time to use them
  • 2 used their Time to invest (sow) their Talents
  • 1 wasted his Time and therefore Talent
  • The 2 that used their Time and Talents well received more to invest (sow)
  • The 1 who did not sow well lost it all

Ultimately, this is another Sow What concept.  Sow a Talent over Time reap a Treasure.  Sow a Treasure reap the luxury of Time.  Sow in Time and reap a Talent.  Is not meritocracy and the "American Dream" rooted in this belief?  Return of Investment, the stock market, and one dear to my heart, education, are all based on the Time, Talent, Treasure concept - the Sow What concept.  I submit that this concept applies to a even greater degree to how and what we sow into the lives around us -our neighbor's gardens if you will. 

To whom much is given, much is required. -Luke 12:48

Sow bountifully, Reap bountifully.  -2 Corinthians 9:6

Sow What?