
The "Empty Bucket Challenge"



We emptied the buckets, but did we refill them?

Did we lose momentum? 

It was easy to keep the movement going at the time.   Now, it seems to hard to get it started. Inertia...

Ice brought so many together.  No surprise.  Water has and will always connect us all, no matter what state it's in.  

Did you know?

Every minute a child dies from water-related disease (World Health Organization 2012).  

Over 500,000 children die globally each year from water-related illnesses.

What can we do?

Fill those buckets again -this time with clean drinking water!

Here's our campaign to get started:

Our goal is to raise $1000 for this worthy cause. We've made a donation of course, so now we're 1/10th of the way towards reaching our goal. 

Charity:water is a 4 star charity as ranked by Charity Navigator.  100% of the donations go directly to water projects. 

Remember this concept?

Input = output

What you put in you get out. 

Time to fill the buckets!  

Sow What?

Je suis important aussi. I am important too.

Words matter. Words are important. We often like to pretend that our actions do not have consequences -that we have the freedom to say and do anything without fear of consequences. While many of us possess the freedom to speak and act, this does not grant us freedom from the consequences of our words or actions. The actual only way to control the consequences of our actions is to control our actions. We expect to have the freedom to disrespect others and at the same time demand others to respect us. For some, disrespect is a life or death matter. And it's not just radical extremist. Sadly, disrespect has been a catalyst for violence throughout history. Other guilty parties include developed nations, street gangs, childhood bullies, figures of authority... the list goes on.  For some, perceived freedom to say whatever they want emboldens others to exercise their perceived freedom to react in any manner that they see fit.  Some of these "acts of freedom" have been called the following:

Justice, terrorism, propaganda, resistance, protest, rioting, liberty, crusades, murder, revenge, salvation, anti-Semitism, racism, vigilantism, patriotism...

Of course, there are many more.

In essence, it goes back to the old saying: "One man's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins."

Simply stated, words are actions.  What we say has consequences just as what we do has consequences.  Think not. Try yelling "fire" in a public building  Say, "bomb" when attempting to board a flight.  Use sexually or racially offensive language in a public forum... The consequence of such words will come harder and faster than any physical action that you could mount to undo those words.  Just think about any victim of "Foot-n-Mouth" disease.  We have all had a case at one time or another.  The famous cases (celebrities and politicians) often seem to have longest convalescent periods.

If words were so trivial, why would so many government be listening and recording every word we say?

We can't just say or write whatever we want and expect to control and predict how people react.  We can only be responsible for our actions.  I have no control over how readers will respond to this or any of my posts.  If it is your goal to offend or disrespect, should you be surprised when the disrespected choose to disrespect your in return?  For some, their faith is greater than life itself.  So, it is not a great stretch to take another's life if their faith has been disrespected.  They are often more than willing to give their lives for such beliefs.  For others, freedom is their religion.  So, they exercise it with the same dangerous zeal that they would call fanatical in another context.  They too are willing to give their lives for the cause of "freedom."  Does one action of belief  justify the other?  No. Just as we cannot do whatever we would like without consequences, we cannot say or write whatever we would like without consequences.  This is not to defend the actions of defamation or extremism. Nor is this an attempt to draw a false moral equivalence. Here is the point in short, words are actions.

Let's stop pretending that words are not actions that have consequences for good or otherwise.

People matter. People are equally important. 

12 were slain in Paris, and the world responded.  Around the same time 2000 men, women and children were murdered in Nigeria, and the world remained largely silent.  Slayings occurred in Missouri, New York, Florida, Ohio, Connecticut, and we protested. And yet, so many more died in a similar fashion throughout the years and across the globe that aroused no response whatsoever.  Here's a similar example: A plane goes down, and the report states that there were no American lives lost.  Does that somehow make things less tragic?  Are some lives more valuable than others?  Is it only a tragedy if it occurs in my hometown, to my race, against my religion, or in my country.  No, it's a tragedy if it happens in my world.  We are not all "Charlie," but "We are the World (to quote an 80's song)."

We must value all lives as important, not just the ones that we identify with or those that have the most in common with us.  Failing to do so is one of the root causes of prejudice, hate, terrorism, sectarian violence, authoritarian brutality, genocide, civil unrest...  Sadly, this list goes on. 

Once again, let's stop pretending that words spoken or otherwise exist without consequence and that some lives are more valuable than others.

The truth is that both Words and People matter.


Ebola, MERS, H1N1, Avian Flu, MRSA, Anthrax, SARS, West Nile, E. coli 0157:H7, Flesh Eating Strep, HIV...


and the most pervasive and virulent of them all... 

Fear and Ignorance. 


If only there was a vaccine or a cure. Yet, such have existed for some time...




They have been prescribed as a bitter pill, a stinging injection, and a viscous salve.  They require time and patience in order to become fully effective. And while their effect lingers, it is not permanent. They must be taken and reapplied throughout life in order to yield the maximum benefit. 



The Difference

When I subtract myself, what positive is left?

That is the Difference.

What I am gone, what good remains?

That is the Difference.

When I am less without you and you less without me,

That is the Difference.

After I depart, the part that remains no longer looks the same,

That is the Difference.

When a change extends far beyond a name,

That is the Difference.

When our numbers are added and they always equal ONE,

Well, That is the Sum...

But when even the smallest of us is without and we are no longer ONE,

That is also when the Difference comes.

If the world is better after I am gone rather than because I am gone, 

That is the Difference between Give and Take.

We all make a Difference.

What Diffence will you make? 


Sow Wat?
