
The "Empty Bucket Challenge"



We emptied the buckets, but did we refill them?

Did we lose momentum? 

It was easy to keep the movement going at the time.   Now, it seems to hard to get it started. Inertia...

Ice brought so many together.  No surprise.  Water has and will always connect us all, no matter what state it's in.  

Did you know?

Every minute a child dies from water-related disease (World Health Organization 2012).  

Over 500,000 children die globally each year from water-related illnesses.

What can we do?

Fill those buckets again -this time with clean drinking water!

Here's our campaign to get started:

Our goal is to raise $1000 for this worthy cause. We've made a donation of course, so now we're 1/10th of the way towards reaching our goal. 

Charity:water is a 4 star charity as ranked by Charity Navigator.  100% of the donations go directly to water projects. 

Remember this concept?

Input = output

What you put in you get out. 

Time to fill the buckets!  

Sow What?