The Concept

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap."  -Galatians 6:7

We at Sow Universal, LLC truly believe this.  Thus, our mission is to inspire, teach, and commit small acts of good that will ultimately lead to a greater good.  We believe that this can be done through gifts of time, treasure, and talent.  We aspire to motivate to action via talks, charities, and technology to bring about a harvest that will benefit all.

The Sower

Lastly, we would like to humbly state that this is a work in progress and always will be.  We welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas.  All that we ask is that it be with the mindset of the betterment of all.  So go ahead, send us spell checks, grammar corrections, book recommendations, great ideas, or just a word of support.  We desire to learn and grow together with you throughout this journey.  There are a lot of seeds to be sown and a lot of ground to cover.


Each of these describes me at some point or another: Christian, sinner, husband, brother, physician, patient , father, friend, enemy, role-model, hypocrite, researcher, musician, poet, artist, athlete, coach, teacher, and student.

I have had the opportunity to: provide care in the emergency department as well as receive it, study at various colleges and universities as well as teach there, receive immensely as well as give.  This is my humble attempt to give back to all.  Sow... (pun intended), We are offering our time and talents to provide lectures and seminars for worthy causes.  We have presented this timeless concept of sowing and reaping to schools, churches, missions teams, social groups and more.  We are always looking for more opportunities to sow this message of the power of small acts.  If you are interested in recruiting our talents or even lending us yours, gives a shout at  We would love to hear from you.

Inspiring small acts in order to reap a greater good