
He Has Risen -Matthew 28:6

Ponder this. If man with his limited knowledge can resuscitate the dead, why couldn't God in His infinite knowledge resurrect the dead?  Medically speaking, we use blood transfusions and stem cell/organ/marrow transplants, to save lives and treat disease.  Sometimes, donors gave  these gifts of life at the cost of their own. Was not a similar sacrifice made on Calvary? A donation of blood from a universal donor was made for a transfusion that could cure a 100% fatal disease, a genetic disease inherited through the "S chromosome."

This is what Easter means to me. 

Just as the sun rises to start each day, our faith begins with the risen Son.    

Just as the sun rises to start each day, our faith begins with the risen Son.  



Sow What? -A Universal Law

Ancient Tower - a seed

Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatever a man sows that will he also reap -Galatians 6:7.  This has been said many ways throughout human history and maybe beyond.  It has been called:

  • The Golden Rule
  • The Law of Reciprocity
  • The Law of Gravity (What goes up...)

  • Cause and Effect
  • Input = Output
  • Newton's Third Law (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction)
  • The Ripple Effect
  • Karma

The list goes on.  Nonetheless, this is a timeless concept that applies to individual persons as well as it does inanimate objects.  While there are exceptions to these rules, should we behave as if the exceptions are in fact the rule?  More to come...

Modern Tower - an idea