Repeated failure does not mean impossible. It only means that success is that much closer.
Ebola, MERS, H1N1, Avian Flu, MRSA, Anthrax, SARS, West Nile, E. coli 0157:H7, Flesh Eating Strep, HIV...
and the most pervasive and virulent of them all...
Fear and Ignorance.
If only there was a vaccine or a cure. Yet, such have existed for some time...
They have been prescribed as a bitter pill, a stinging injection, and a viscous salve. They require time and patience in order to become fully effective. And while their effect lingers, it is not permanent. They must be taken and reapplied throughout life in order to yield the maximum benefit.
Onion-skinning: the act of pealing away or revealing more truth of a matter in such a way that it makes one want to cry
"Full Onion" is cutting right ino the heart of an matter so directly and deeply that it inevitably results in tears -AKA no sugar coating.
Alt: "Onion-peeling" or "Peeling-the-onion"
Suffer the Children
The Lady at the front door holds a light and sign that reads:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
The sign out back reads:
No Tresspassing!
At the same residence, on Sunday we proclaim, "Suffer the little children... "
Monday through Saturday, we yell, "Let the little children suffer" -in there own homes of course.
We are a nation of immigrants who were searching for a better life. A nation that now denies the most vulnerable of those who search for the same.
This is the land of the free and home of the brave that turns coward and turns away the most brave of children who face violence, the elements, and slavery for a better home.
We resist them because of our "lack of resources," their threat of disease, and their impact on our way of life. Is this because we did the same to those who welcomed us? Will they grab our land, exploit our resources, bring us gifts of disease, decimate our numbers, relagate us to small portions of land, force us to speak their language, and name places, teams, and trivial things in our memory?
We sure did it. Why wouldn't they? Past is prologue.
Sow What?