"I want to be a doctor." "A policeman." "A fireman." Astronaut? Ball player? Teacher?
A Farmer?
When you were growing up, who were your heroes? Who are your heroes now?
I've realized 2 things:
1. We really never stop growing. Growing up. Growing old. Growing tired. Growing wiser.
2. You should never outgrow heroes. And if you outgrow your current heroes, continue to grow until you become a hero.
Take this living example: I know a firefighter-paramedic who starts fires and gets hearts pumping without CPR. He has done so by creating a mentoring program for at-risk youth.
He knows that it takes more than CPR to move hearts. He also knows that the fire that ignites the hopes and dreams of youth should be stoked not extinguished.
Hampton Fire Department (HFD), Lt. Cameron Dailey established Camp Prospect to set the hearts and imaginations of at-risk youth on fire.
Watching these firefighters and paramedics sow into the lives of these teens makes them... well, more like farmers. They act like farmers by planting hopes, skills and dreams that will benefit us all come harvest time. These special men and women are sowing 2 of the 3 Ts, Time and Talent, into the lives of the next generation. I strongly believe that being a hero can be more than running into a burning building.
Firefighters aren't the only "farmers" that are actually my heroes.
I know trauma surgeons and emergency physicians whose best work is preventing their skills from ever being used. Much like, Lt. Dailey, these everyday heroes help create a better harvest for tomorrow by planting dreams, pruning excesses and weeding distractions in the lives of young persons in their communities and beyond.
Here's one more example: Police persons that know more than one type of hold.
Now that I'm a little older, I realize that my heroes come in all shapes, sizes, ages, colors, sexes and professions. One thing that they all have in common -They are all FARMERS! Sowing seeds of good, seeds of change, wherever they go. No matter what title they carry.
Sow What?