Of Gods and Devils...

If there are such things as idols and false gods, then there must be such things as false devils.  Beware of both, deifying and demonizing -different processes, similar products.

Sow What?


What if all the Black NFL players banded together for a particular social cause?  And, let’s call that cause “Justice.”  What if Colin Kaepernick, was seen as Rosa Parks was viewed some 63 years ago?  What if we all got on board when it was time to ride and all got off as soon we realized we were just being taken for a ride? 

1955 Montgomery bus boycott

1955 Montgomery bus boycott

In 1955, nearly 75% of the public bus passengers in Montgomery were black. In 2018, the NFL is nearly 70% black. The time for games were over then as they are today.  The power of one is the power of many standing, walking, or kneeling as one.  

The gains of today are because of the sacrifices of yesterday.  The gains for tomorrow must be purchased with the sacrifices of today.  Ali, Kap, Rosa... me? You?

Here’s an idea for my brothers whose power is actually greater off the field than on -whose power is acting as one.

What if you simply stop playing?

I assure you we would stop watching and start listening.

NFL Boycott + Social media = #Stopplayin’

Can you afford to do so?  Can we afford to not to?

Know your worth.  Know your power. 

More than a legal motion.  More than a movement.  

More than a banner.  More than a flag.  

More than kneeling or taking a stand.  

It’s all of these things and more...



Self study

If every political divide was separated by a mirror, we would be less politically divided

If every side of an argument was separated by a reflection in time, over time there would be less to argue about.

If we were to look at each other with mirrors instead of microscopes, we would realize just how much we truly look alike.  


Sow What? 


Geology of change

Change from the bottom up = Revolution  

Change from the top down = Oppression  

Change from the bottom and top = Transformation  

Stalagmites (Revolution), Stalactites (Oppression), & Columns (Transformation). Wich proves most stable?

Stalagmites (Revolution), Stalactites (Oppression), & Columns (Transformation). Wich proves most stable?

Nat Turner (Harper’s Ferry) 

Andrew Jackson (Trail of Tears) 

MLK, Jr + LBJ (Civil Rights) 


Sow What?  

-JEL, Jr

Creating US

It has been tried multiple times.  Many ways. Over many years. Some successful. Some not.  We have called our attempts, marriage, family, friends, tribe, team, etc.  We have even called an assembly of fifty states formed by people from around the world "US." 

But, it is when we stop calling ourselves "us" that we truly fail at being us.  For when we stop trying to be "us," we ultimately become "them."

The sun setting on another year (2017) gone by. 

The sun setting on another year (2017) gone by. 

Did you sow in 2017?  Then, it will grow in 2018.  

Sow What?  You decide.