It's a Riot!
Why do people riot? Why do they destroy their own property and communities?
They do so out of frustration. They do so out of anger.
They do so out of hopelessness.
They do so to send a message
-A message of impact.
And yes, ALL peoples do it. ("Peoples" as in groups not merely individuals)
Some call it protest. Some call it revolution. Some called it scorched earth. And, some even call it "draining the swamp" or cleaning house. Let's also make this clear: protest and rioting are not the same.
My point is this: When people riot for what ever reason, they reach out as far as their influence will reach (insert synonym). Not necessarily to the closest objects but as far as they can reach. For historically disempowered and disenfranchised people, that reach barely extends beyond their community. Thus, they burn their communities regardless of how senseless it might seem to those on the outside. This is how they send their most powerful message. They are willing to sacrifice all to communicate this message. Recall the '92 L.A. and '65 Watts riots, '43 and '67 Detroit, Ferguson, Charlotte... the list goes on.
For those who have a history of privilege and empowerment, they riot through political means because this is the natural extension of their reach. They elect leaders and vote for policies that appear to others as destructive and in conflict with their own best interests. Think Trump, Brexit, the rise of the Third Reich. They don't burn down their communities literally, but they do in some ways set the nation ablaze. They clean house... baby with the bath water.
I submit that even nations do the same. They attack other sovereign nations and wage war regardless of the costs.
Even extremism and terrorism, domestic or otherwise, can be seen as a function of this. Otherwise, why would individuals detonate themselves and their neighbors in order to send a message?
It boils down to how we communicate and what's in our reach. Out of frustration, many small children fall to the floor kicking and screaming. For similar reasons, some adults pull things off the walls and shelves to throw -whatever's in reach.
So let's recognize this as what it is. Rioting is not just an act of the poor, minorities, extremist, or ignorant people. Nor is revolution simply waged by extremists. Rioting is a potentially deadly and destructive form of communication utilized by any and all when they feel that they are not being heard.
We all need to learn how to lower our voices and listen more closely. If not, violence and destruction will continue to be our universal language.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. -James 1:19
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. -Romans 12:18
So What?