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Happy New Year -Everyday

A resolution to end all resolutions.

Any day could mark the end of one year and the beginning of another. After all, a year is just a passing of 12 months. So, why not live like everyday is an opportunity to begin anew? No need to wait for a specific day on the calendar like January 1. Here's something to think about. Each day could be our last and each new day can be viewed as a gift to start fresh.  If you fail to keep your new year's resolution, why not make it new day's resolution?  Isn't that all that January 1 is? A new day? Recommit each day until you achieve a year's worth of success. Any day can mark a year long of daily successes. We usually call those anniversaries. Celebrate your accomplishments on any day and recommit everyday. It's all how you look at it. 

Sunrise or Sunset? It's all how you look at it. 

Have a Happy New Year or a Happy New Day!