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Elsie Lewis Circa 1971

When forced to stop focusing on oneSELF, one begins to focus on someone ELSE.

No More "Selfies"

Here's a suggestion.  Let's focus our cameras and attention on someone "else" -other than ourselves.  Let's concentrate on doing good for others and noting the good being done by others.  We'll call this refocus an "Elsie," because we are in fact focusing on someone else.  No more selfies. 

The term "Elsie" might seem to have an obvious origin, but there is one more layer.  The term "Elsie" was inspired by a woman who lived by the concept of focusing on others.  Her name was Elsie Lewis, my grandmother.  She lived much of her later life for others.  She adopted and foster parented several children who were the victims of abuse.  She often gave when she had little for herself.  She gave abundantly out of her lack, enriching all of those around her.  Elsie was always looking to do for someone else.  I hope you would remember her whenever you choose to act likewise.

Let's see if this little seed takes root.

I would love to see this trending in the Twittersphere: